St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

Welcome to St Joseph's website

Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Freedom of Information Act Scheme

Freedom of Information Act Scheme

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Publication Scheme


This model publication scheme has been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner.  It may be adopted without modification by any public authority without further approval and will be valid until further notice.


This publication scheme commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.  The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the authority.  Additional assistance is provided to the definition of these classes in sector specific guidance manuals issued by the Information Commissioner.


The scheme commits an authority:

  • To proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information, including environmental information, which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below.
  • To specify the information which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below.
  • To proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information in line with the statements contained within this scheme.
  • To produce and publish the methods by which the specific information is made routinely available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
  • To review and update on a regular basis the information the authority makes available under this scheme.
  • To produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to information which is made proactively available.
  • To make this publication scheme available to the public
  • To publish any dataset held by the authority that has been requested, and any updated versions it holds, unless the authority is satisfied that it is not appropriate to do so; to publish the dataset, where reasonably practicable, in an electronic form that is capable of re-use; and, if any information in the dataset is a relevant copyright work and the public authority is the only owner, to make the information available for re-use under a specified licence.  The term 'dataset' is defined in section 11(5) of the Freedom of Information Act.  The terms 'relevant copyright work' and 'specified licence' are defined in section 19(8) of that Act.

Classes of Information.


Who we are and what we do.

  • Instrument of Government


1. The name of the school is St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Hednesford. 

2. The school is a voluntary aided school.


3. The name of the governing body is “The Governing Body of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Hednesford”.


4. The school is founded by and is part of the Catholic Church.  The school is to be conducted as a Catholic School in accordance with Latin Rite Canon Law and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham and in particular:

a) Religious education is to be in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline, general and particular norms of the Catholic Church.

b) Religious worship is to be in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church.

c) At all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

5. The school operates under the provisions of the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham

6. The governing body shall consist of:

a. 7 foundation governors, of whom 3 shall, at the time of their appointment, be eligible for election or appointment as parent governors;

b. 2 parent governors;

c. 1 LA governor;

d. 1 staff governor;

e. 1 Headteacher

7. Total number of governors 12

8. Foundation governors are appointed by the Archbishop of Birmingham (or any other person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction on his behalf) through the Director of Education of the Diocesan Education Service.

9. The Archbishop of Birmingham or any other person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction on his behalf (through the Director of Education of the Diocesan Education Service), may remove foundation governors at any time during their period of office.

10. Date instrument drafted by the governing body: 12/11/2014

11. Date draft instrument approved by foundation governors: 12/11/2014

12. Date draft instrument approved by Trustees: 28/01/2015

13. This instrument of government comes into effect on 1 September 2015

14. This instrument was made by order of Staffordshire Local Authority on 28/01/2015.

  • School Prospectus

This is available from the school office or by clicking here 

  • Board of Governors

This is available from the school office.

  • School session times and term dates

School session times are listed in the school prospectus.  Current term dates are available from the school office or by clicking here.

  • Location and contact information
  • St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Hednesford is located at:
  • Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffs, WS12 1DE
  • Tel:01543 227225
  • Headteacher                                   Mrs B. Corbett 



What we spend and how we spend it

  • Annual budget plan and financial statements

Details of the Individual School Budget distributed by the Local Authority and the school’s annual income and expenditure returns are available upon request from the school office.


  • Capital Funding

Details of the capital funding allocated to the school together with information on related building projects and other capital projects is available upon request from the school office.

  • Procurement and contracts

Details of procedures used for the acquisition of goods and services that have gone through a formal tendering process are available upon request from the school office.

  • Pay Policy

A copy of the school’s pay policy is available upon request from the school office.

  • Staffing Structure

A copy of the school’s staffing structure is available upon request from the school office.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

  • Performance Management Information

The performance management policy and procedures adopted by the governing body is available upon request from the school office.

Child Protection

A copy of the child protection policy is available from the school office or by clicking here 

How we make decisions


  • Admission Policy

A copy of the current and previous three years admission policies are available from the school office or by clicking here


  • Minutes of meetings of the Governing Body and its sub-committees

Minutes, agendas and papers considered at these meetings are available upon request from the school office.

Our policies and procedures

  • School policies

A copy of the following policies are available upon request from the school office or by clicking on the individual policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Health and Safety

Complaints Procedure 

Pay Policy

Request for Information 

  • Pupil and curriculum policies

A copy of the following policies are available upon request from the school office or by clicking on the individual policy

Home-School Agreement

Sex Education (RHE)

Special Educational Needs (SEND)

Public Sector Equality Duty

Collective Worship

Pupil Discipline (Positive Behaviour)

  • Records management and personal data policies

Information regarding security policies, records retention, destruction and archive policies and data protection policies are available upon request from the school office

  • Equality and diversity

Details of policies, schemes, statements, procedures and guidelines relating to equal opportunities are A copy of the following policies are available upon request from the school office or by clicking on them

Lists and Registers

Curriculum circulars and statutory instruments

Statutory Instruments (e.g. regulations), departmental circulars and administrative memoranda sent to the Head Teacher/Governing Body concerning the curriculum are available upon request from the school office.


  • Disclosure Logs

A disclosure log indicating the information provided in response to requests is available upon request from the school office.

The services we offer

  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Out of school clubs
  • School Publications
  • Services for which the school is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees
  • Leaflets, booklets and newsletters are all available upon request from the school office or from our website.

The classes of information will not generally include:

  • Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure.
  • Information in draft form.
  • Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.


The method by which information published under this scheme will be made available


The authority will indicate clearly to the public what information is covered by this scheme and how it can be obtained.


Where it is within the capability of a public authority, information will be provided on a website.  Where it is impracticable to make information available on a website or when an individual does not wish to access the information by the website, the public authority will indicate how information can be obtained by other means and provide it by those means.


In exceptional circumstances some information may be available only by viewing in person.  Where this manner is specified, contact details will be provided.  An appointment to view the information will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.


Information will be provided in the language in which it is held or in such other language that is legally required.  Where an authority is legally required to translate any information, it will do so.


Obligations under disability and discrimination legislation and any other legislation to provide information in order forms and formants will be adhered to when providing information in accordance with this scheme.


Charges which may be made for Information published under this scheme.


The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public.  Charges made by the authority for routinely published material will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum.


Material which is published and access on a website will be provided free of charge.


Charges may be made for information subject to a charging regime specified by Parliament.


Charges may be made for actual disbursements incurred such as:

  • Photocopying
  • Postage and packaging
  • The costs directly incurred as a result of viewing information


Charges may also be made for information provided under this scheme where they are legally authorised, they are in all the circumstances, including the general principles of the right of access to information held by public authorities, justified and are in accordance with a published schedule or schedule of fees which is readily available to the public.


Charges may also be made for making datasets (or parts of datasets) that are relevant copyright works available for re-use.  These charges will be in accordance with either regulations made under section 11B of the Freedom of Information Act or other enactments.


If a charge is to be made, confirmation of the payment due will be given before the information is provided.  Payment may be requested prior to provision of the information.


Written Requests


Information held by a public authority that is not published under this scheme can be requested in writing, when its provision will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. 

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