St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

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Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Catholic Life 21-22

Catholic Life 2021-22


Year 6 Leaver's  Mass with the Cannock cluster schools at St Mary & St Thomas More, Cannock

We are all enjoying joining in with Dan and Emily in the Onelife Summer Livestream- giving thanks to God for all his blessings this school year through praise and song.


Year 2 enjoyed their visit to Church this morning. The children listened carefully to Fr Jeremy who told them about all the different parts of the Church. They asked lots of interesting questions. Thank you Father Jeremy. 


Well done to all the children who represented the school so beautifully at the Diocesan pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

Our Diocesan Pilgrimage is on Sunday July 3rd.
There is no 9.15 am Sunday morning mass that day.
• 1 pm Refreshments available
• 2.15 - 3.45 pm - Confessions.
• 3 pm Rosary.
• 4 pm - Mass with Anointing - Celebrant Bishop David Evans.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Year 1’s stay and pray and to all the children in Year 1 who led the liturgy so well.

Well done to our Year 6 children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on 21st June. 

May the Holy Spirit guide you throughout your lives

Years 1&2 had a super workshop explaining all about the Hindu festival of Holi. The children had henna patterns on their hands and created colourful cards to celebrate.


Such a beautiful prayer service this morning in Reception class. Thank you to everyone who came to join our stay and pray service  


Well done to all of the children in Year 3 who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time today.  What a wonderful celebration!


Thank you to the children in Years 5&6 who read and supported at Mass this morning! We pray especially for the children in Year 6 who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  

Well done to Mr Sayce on completing his skydive and raising over £700 for the SVP - we are very proud of you!!

Well done to Year 6 and thank you to everyone who supported our Lenten sale last week raising money for Fr Hudson’s society.


Well done to Year 1 for completing your sponsored penalty shoot-out.

Year Three went for a "swim" across the field for their sponsored event raising money for Father Hudson’s Society. Even Mrs Davies joined in the fun!!

Please join us at Mass tomorrow- 3rd April, 9.15 am at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Year 3 will be leading the Mass. There will be a children’s Liturgy during the Mass for our younger children. Refreshments will be available in the Church Hall after Mass followed by a meeting for Year 3 parents. We look forward to seeing you there!

It was lovely to welcome parents, friends and parishioners back into school today to celebrate Mass with us! Its great to have our school and Parish community back together once again.

Mary Our Mother, pray for us

Well done to Year 4 who have completed their sponsored one mile run for Fr Hudson’s Society!

Happy St Joseph’s Day! 

Year 4 had a wonderful time today helping parishioners plant fruit trees in the grounds of Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Happy St Patrick’s Day!


Many thanks to everyone for your generous donations for our Ukrainian Appeal


Congratulations Father Jeremy on the 25th Anniversary of your Ordination!  

Reception class and Year 4 had a lovely treat when Father Jeremy came in to read them a story as part of National Storytelling Week!

2-2-22  It was lovely to gather for Mass to celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The darkness was broken by the light of our candles, reminding us that Jesus is the light of the world!

During our end of term Mass Fr Jeremy blessed the bambinellis which the children had made.

Thank you to all our families who contributed so generously to our Advent shoebox appeal and to our School Council for organising.

13-12-21  Bambinelli Sunday

Children made Bambinellis in school and took them to Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Bambinelli Sunday to have them blessed. The children in Years 3 and 6 led the Mass. 


We had a wonderful time joining in with the Advent Onelife livestream, coming together virtually to sing and praise the Lord as we journey through Advent.

Thank you One Life Music


The Christingle rehearsal is sounding beautiful this morning!

We will remember  

Onelife Music- We've had a lovely day with a cluster of five primary schools leading them on a special day with Our Lady

It was great to see our Year 6 children and their families at the Confirmation Commitment Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church this morning. 17-10-21

We pray for them all as they begin their preparation.

It was lovely to see our Year 3 children and their families at the First Holy Communion Commitment Mass yesterday at Our Lady of Lourdes Church.  10-10-21

We pray for them all as they begin their preparation.

Such a wonderful and joyful celebration of Mass in school today! Happy birthday To Our Blessed Mother Mary. It was fantastic to hear the children singing so beautifully. Many thanks to Fr Jeremy!

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