St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

Welcome to St Joseph's website

Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Year One

Year One


Mrs Farrah, Mrs Shepherd and Mrs Thomas welcome you to Year 1. We would like to share with you how we work together to achieve the best for our pupils. We strive to facilitate learning and deliver quality first teaching, whilst ensuring children have an enjoyment of learning and that their emotional needs are being met.

The transition from reception to Year 1 begins with children receiving shorter teaching inputs and learning through ‘Busy Time’. They are sensitively introduced to the national curriculum whereby, literacy, numeracy and RE are the primary focus. These subjects are accompanied throughout the year with the teaching of science, PE and music, as well as various topics that incorporate history, geography, ICT, DT and art. PE will be taken on a Wednesday afternoon with West Midlands Sports, who will guide the children through a variety of different games. We will also take part in dance lessons with Sandra.

Children are taught reading skills through our daily RWI sessions. In addition to their daily reading during their RWI sessions, the children in Year 1 are listened to read by Mrs Farrah or Mrs Shepherd each week. Please listen to your child read at home and encourage them to choose and read their own books too. We strive to make our classroom environment as fun, engaging and interesting as possible, to encourage and nurture the children’s developing interests.

In Year 1, we enjoy learning in lots of different ways. We learn inside the classroom and outside, around the school and local community. To find out what we are learning each term in more detail, please read the parents termly overview, available to view on the website.


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