St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

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Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Year One Summer Term

Year One Summer Term

Please check Google Classroom for homework/remote learning tasks and lessons

Year 1's Trip to Tamworth Castle, Staffordshire

To aid with our  summer term history unit and Enquiry Questions of 'What was the function of a castle? and 'What was it like to live and work in a castle?', Year 1 took a trip to learn about this castle. Built by the Normans and later enlarged, the building is today one of the best preserved motte-and-bailey castles in England! 

Located just 40 minutes away from our school, Year 1 enjoyed learning and looking around all its features, discovering what type of people lived and worked there, and how the castle was defended, if under attack! We were excited to view some of the famous Staffordshire Hoard whilst we were there. 

Year 1 Science & English

In English we wrote persuasive letters to Mrs Corbett, asking her to purchase some seeds for our growing zone, to encourage wildlife. In science we planted these wildflower seeds and have observed the changes over a few weeks. 

Year 1 Art

As part of our work on 'The Beauty of Flowers', we made flower sculptures out of clay and painted them. 

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